


■休業期間  2021年5月1日(土)~2021年5月5日(水)



We are sorry to say that we will be closed during the following period.
We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.
■ Holiday period 2021年5月1日(土)~2021年5月5日(水)
It will be open normally from May 6, 2021 (Thursday).

2021.4.5 [よくある質問]を追加しました




よくある質問 | ビジョンステージ協同組合 (vision-stage.com)


[Frequently Asked Questions] has been added.
Ⓠ13 to Ⓠ18 are additional parts.

Ⓐ 13. Is it possible for technical intern trainees to work overtime or work on holidays?
Ⓠ 14. Do I need to pay extra to work overtime or work on holidays?
Ⓠ 15. Is there a set break time?
Ⓠ 16. Technical intern training
If a student wants to go to the hospital (due to injury or illness), will the host company take him?
Ⓠ 17. How much wages do foreigners with specific skills need?
Will home-visit care be possible?
See Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

2021.3.18 移行対象職種追加のお知らせ






移行対象職種の一覧は  “外国人技能実習生受入事業とは?”  →  “対応職種”  をご参照ください。

対応職種 | ビジョンステージ協同組合 (vision-stage.com)


March 16th, for transition target job ・ work

[job name] Railway facility maintenance
[Work name] Track maintenance

[job name] Rubber product manufacturing
[Work name] Molding / extrusion / kneading rolling / composite lamination

As mentioned above, 5 jobs for 2 occupations have been added.
For a list of occupations to be transferred, please refer to “What is the Foreign Technical Intern Trainee Acceptance Business?” → “Corresponding Occupations”.




展示会名 : 第7回 介護&看護EXPO大阪
期間 : 2021年2月24日~2月26日までの3日間
会場 : インテックス大阪


We will be exhibiting at the exhibition this time.
We will announce “foreign care trainee acceptance business” as a human resources related service, and infectious disease countermeasures that are also handled as a joint purchasing business.

Details such as the venue are as follows.
Exhibition name: 7th Nursing & Nursing EXPO Osaka
Period: 3 days from February 24th to February 26th, 2021
Venue: INTEX Osaka

2021.1.9 移行対象職種作業の追加のお知らせ





移行対象職種の一覧は “外国人技能実習生受入事業とは?” → “対応職種” をご参照ください。


Yesterday, there was an addition of job category work to be transferred.
Two of the food manufacturing-related occupations were added, and one occupation and one work were added for other occupations.
The contents are as follows.
[job name]Non-heatable processed food manufacturing industry
[Work name]Manufacture of processed cooked products / Manufacture of processed food products
[job name]RPF manufacturing
[Work name]RPF manufacturing
For a list of occupations to be transferred, please refer to “What is the Foreign Technical Intern Trainee Acceptance Business?” → “Corresponding Occupations”.